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Welcome to the Sandmere Practice
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The practice provides advanced access which means that we offer both drop-in and pre-booked appointments, extended hours and routine Saturday morning, please note appointments are provided subject to demand although we aim to match capacity to demand all year round.
For More Information about NHS services, NHS APP etc.
Please visit
When we are closed – out of hours support
When our practice is closed you can still get support. You can get expert medical advice and useful information by calling NHS 111 or through 111 online.
The NHS 111 service is available 24 hours a day and can provide patient information, issue prescriptions to a pharmacy of your choice, book a GP appointment, and, if necessary, refer people to emergency services.
Self Certification Sick / Fit Note for less than 7 days
If you have been ill for 7 days or less you don’t need to see a Doctor. You can complete a Self Certification form yourself. However some employers insist on a Doctor’s note regardless. A Doctors note under these circumstances may involve a charge.
Many employers have their own self-certification forms. If your employer doesn’t have its own form your can download the Self Certification Form. Please print it, fill it in and hand it in to your employer. You do not need to see a Doctor.